
Logo that reads Celebrating Diversity: Out differences are our strengthHere at UF Health, diversity refers to all the ways in which people differ and how those differences affect the way we think and act. We strive to create an environment open and accepting of individual differences, where all employees can maximize their potential.

By managing and valuing diversity, our goal is to create an environment which ensures that all employees and customers are respected and included, that utilizes the full potential of every employee to improve productivity and that is flexible enough to adapt to change.

We recognize that within our workplace, diversity can mean where you fit in the organizational structure and what your role is, as well as where you grew up, where you went to school and where live and worship today. There are also all those aspects that make up the “you” we know as a unique individual.

Diversity Initiatives

UF Health has a strong organizational commitment to diversity, with specialized educational efforts and mandatory training programs for all employees and managers. Our many initiatives include:

  • Diversity Ambassadors Group
  • Departmental Diversity Teams
  • Staff-Level Diversity Training Workshops
  • Patient Diversity Training
  • Managing Generational Differences Program
  • “Lunch & Learn” Sessions
  • Cultural Holiday Celebrations

Diversity Awareness Events

UF Health sponsors numerous events throughout the year to celebrate our diversity and to recognize the contributions of our UF Health staff. For a full list of these events and details, employees can visit our Bridge intranet.